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After a long long long travel day, including sleeping in the airport, two flights, and a layover we finally arrived in Tegucigalpa  (Tay-goo-see-gull-pa) all baggage included! Almost immediately my heart was seized for a love of this place. I will blog more about this ministry hopefully in the next weeks. We will be doing all sorts of things: cooking, ministering in the dumps, teaching in the school down the road, construction, street ministry, and just loving on everyone. It is so relaxed here and the food is great! They make everything from scratch. The bathrooms are really nice; you just can’t flush toilet paper and the water in the shower is about 34 degrees. The view from the compound is amazing. My tent looks like my bag threw up in it…multiple times. The kids are amazing and already have taught me so much Spanish. Below are some pictures of Zion’s Gate and the people that live here. Thank you for all your prayers! Continue to pray for health and adjustment to this new way of life. Lots of love. 

more pictures soon!

The little girl is Genisis (Heh-na-see).The little boy is Jafet (yahfet)

This is Jafet (yah fet)

this is the view from the back of the compound

5 responses to “welcome to Honduras”

  1. Sami, I saw your blog in your Mom’s classroom. Yes, she is taking her kindergarten class on your trip with you. Maybe I need those cold showers to help me wake up so early each morning to help your Mom. Don’t think sleeping in a tent would work for me though because I’d never be able to get up off the ground in the morning. Grandpa & I are so proud of you and eagerly await every blog update. Thank God you made it safely and we pray he watches over all that you do.
    Love, Hugs & Kisses.

  2. Sami praise God you made it safely. Wow what an adventure God has planned for you! Sounds wonderful except the shower not sure I could handel that! Will be praying for you.


  3. Sami,
    I am soo proud of you. I knew you’d be fine, it just took getting out of the starting blocks to get going. God is going to do some amazing things. I’m praying for you each and every day. Love you so much beautiful.
    -Scott Illich

  4. I love this! I especially love seeing you with the little girl. So cute! I showed this to my class and we will be praying for you every day. Some of them remembered you from the open house 🙂 I will probably check this every day!!!!
    I really look forward to hearing about what you are doing. I am so proud of you. May God bless you continuously.
    Love you Lots!